Saturday, May 24, 2014

Be Trustworthy

"Whoever can be trusted in little things can also be trusted in great ones, whoever is dishonest in slight matters will also be dishonest in greater ones."Luke 16:10

The primary key to success is Trust. Almost everything in life is anchored on trust. If you live a balanced life manifesting trust in our words (Credibility), actions (Reliability), relationship (Intimacy) and self worth (Self-orientation).

Here's an excerpt on understanding the variables of trust. 
The Trust Quotient is a number — like your IQ or EQ — that benchmarks your trustworthiness against the four variables.
Let’s dig into each variable a bit more:
  1. Credibility has to do with the words we speak. In a sentence we might say, “I can trust what she says about intellectual property; she’s very credible on the subject.”
  2. Reliability has to do with actions. We might say, “If he says he’ll deliver the product tomorrow, I trust him, because he’s dependable.”
  3. Intimacy refers to the safety or security that we feel when entrusting someone with something. We might say, “I can trust her with that information; she’s never violated my confidentiality before, and she would never embarrass me.”
  4. Self-orientation refers to the person’s focus. In particular, whether the person’s focus is primarily on him or herself, or on the other person. We might say, “I can’t trust him on this deal — I don’t think he cares enough about me, he’s focused on what he gets out of it.” Or more commonly, “I don’t trust him — I think he’s too concerned about how he’s appearing, so he’s not really paying attention.”
The Trust Equation has one variable in the denominator and three in the numerator.
Increasing the value of the factors in the numerator increases the value of trust. Increasing the value of the denominator — self-orientation — decreases the value of trust.
Do you know your Trust Quotient? Check the link and have your personal assessment.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Don’t Settle For Good Enough

“The LORD had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.’ ”
(Genesis 12:1, NIV)

In Genesis 11, Abraham’s father was going to the Promised Land just like God told Abraham. But it says, “He stopped along the way and settled in Haran."There were too many difficulties. It wasn’t comfortable. He decided, “I can’t go any further. I know this isn’t the Promised Land, but it’s good enough.”
Most of us start off right. We’ve got a big dream. We are very confident to fulfill our destiny. But when we are faced with opposition. Adversity arises. Too many times, we say, “What’s the use? I’m just going to settle here. It’s good enough.”

How many times have you been like Abraham's father? 

Make a decision that you will go for the Promised Land. God has more things in store for you.

Believe. Dont settle for good enough.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Live with Integrity

"You should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven."  Matthew 5:16

Make a difference in your world.

Be the person who will not cheat.

Be good to your neighbors.

Be faithful to your partner.

Be a role model to your children.

Be one person who will do what is right even when no one is around.

Do your part and enjoy life.

People pay more attention to how we act more than what we say.

Live with integrity.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Sweet Sleep

"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone,  O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8

Whenever I am faced with hard times and stressful situations, I pray to God and lift everything to him.  I declare that I have a big God, who is in control.

For in everything that happens, there is a reason. We need not worry.  Worrying is not trusting God.    I remember Fr. Jerry Orbos favorite message about those who worry and I quote "The more you worry, the more you hurry to the cemetery."

And during these times, I pray the second part of my favorite prayer from Bo Sanchez. I pray this more than once every day. And then I can have a sweet sleep trusting God is in control.

Can you sleep in peace tonight?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Take Your Time

"I delight in your decrees, I will not neglect your word." Psalm 119:16

To get the message of God to you every time you read a portion of His Word, start by praying to God for wisdom and discernment.  Do not rush it...take your time.  The key is to read with a listening ear.

Instead of Bible reading, refer to it as a special meeting with God. As you pray to get to focus, listen with your heart.  Give enough time to read and study what God had to say to you.

Ask this questions:
What portion of my life does His Word refer to?
Am I connected to myself enough to know and understand?

Give yourself more time to reflect on your current life and how he is speaking to you today.
It may refer to an existing concern, a future event or even a past event that has been robbing you of your peace.

Lift your heart to God and He will be with you through it all. Take your time.

Reflect. Relax. Renew.