Friday, June 27, 2014

Run To Win

You are destined to win.
I know how tired you have often become,
just by trying to do and say all the right things.
Take that pressure away, because I did not put it there.
The world may judge you by what they hear or see, but I look within your heart.
Simplify your life, and let go of your burdens that weigh you down.
You'll find that My grace will lighten your step,
and My favor will draw others to join you.
Make it your daily passion to run with Me,
and I will carry you over the finish line,
together we will win.


I lift my life to you, Lord.  In every race of my life, I know you are with me to see me through to the finish line as you have done so in the past.  Send forth your spirit that it will help me to get back on track.  To run with grace and ease knowing that I have what it takes to win.

As You have said, Life is simple. Give me the wisdom to learn to appreciate the simpleness of every day with your abundant love and grace.  Let me only attract what brings positive spirit.  And allow me to be a good example of how it is to be happy, contented and free.

You have blessed me with a loving and happy family. Let our family be the model that will encourage others to join us and experience your love and power to know we are meant to win in life.  Let me be passionate about running life with confidence, power and love with you as my running mate throughout this wonderful life.

Excerpt from my reflections/personal retreat 
8 May 2012, 8:31pm DWS Tagaytay City
His Princess Warrior by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Be The Light To The World

Spend more time with Me
and I will make you glow with a godliness that's irresistible.
You are My light to the world!
Let Me light your life today with My love and My power.

If you will let me, I will make you shine in such a way that you will be

My star that points to heaven and gives hope to the hurting.

You are my Light to the World!


I commit to spend more time with You...let your light continue to shine upon me.
That for every person that lights up through me, we may illuminate the world with
Your love and power.

I pray that we continue to grow INFACOM and let the community glow with
godliness that's irresistible...Your star that gives hope to every member and the
people around us.

Let Your light shine to each person in my life.  Allow me to be Your star that can
multiply Your power in this world each and every day.

Excerpt from my reflections/personal retreat 
8 May 2012, 7pm DWS Tagaytay City

His Princess Warrior by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Monday, June 23, 2014

It Is Never Too Late

There is no place you have to go to find me. Just cry out to Me, and I will come to you.

Wherever you've gone My grace has followed you.

Whatever you've done My blood has covered you.

Come to Me today, and I will do more than repair the damage done...
I will restore what was lost.
There is no time limit on My love for you.
Someday you will look back on this moment as the turning point
that transformed you into the princess I called you to be.


I was consumed by the world I have lived in...I thought that offering everything to you is enough to justify my actions.  I knew it all along, but I chose to take pride in everything I have achieved. There were days that I just thought I deserve all the achievements to finally belong.  I came to a point of just wanting the approval of others. That it is the only way I can have the influence to represent the majority.

I thought I can do it all without the need to connect with you every single day.  I was too busy to do everything to the point of justifying I have no time.  But then it dawn on me. That I have gone pass more serious things in life before but I was able to fly.  Thinking but justifying...but then it hit me.  This is not the kind of life I have said "YES" to...realizing  that life is not suppose to be difficult.  I have lost my purpose, my passion, my life.

But with Your grace who have followed me, I know deep in my heart you were speaking to me...but I admit I ignored it several times.  But You patiently waited, respecting the free will you gave me.  That it is still my choice...until I cried out in that one afternoon at A3011. Alone confronted by my very self...with you. You said nothing...until I cried out loud. "Lord, I can't do this alone.  I need you, please help me. I am so tired...I feel exhausted.  It is just too much to bear. I surrender myself  to you."  

And that very next day you answered my call.  You have made the impossible happen. God's miracle find it's place back in my life.  And that very moment, I was able to smile again.  Instantly, the real "Mikka" has come back...

Excerpt from my reflections/personal retreat 
8 May 2012, 6:25pm DWS Tagaytay City
His Princess Warrior by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Friday, June 20, 2014

You Don't Have to Fit In

I know you want to be accepted by others, but you were not made to fit in.

You were made to stand out!

I want you to know that you can put on your crown at any time and 
let people know that you belong to Me.

...and through you I will do abundantly more than you would ever dare to dream.
Remember, it's your choices that will pave your path to life. 
I will not force you to do anything.
I have given you free will to walk with Me or walk away from Me.
Not to draw attention to yourself, but to live the kind of life that leads others to Me.


Lord, it's been a pleasure to be noticed not for what I am but for who I am because of You.
Continue to send forth your spirit to guide me everyday 
and keep reminding me that it is not about me...but it is about You!
May humility allow me to let others see You in everything that I do.
As I trust you with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding,
let my strength come from the truth that You won't give me what I can't bear.
Take me to wherever, however and whatever you want me to...I am your servant.
Make me an instrument of your love and peace in this fast and busy world.
That with your great love, we can let others see the light that shines forth from heaven.
Let me stand out and let each one of your child see You through me.  

As I continue to pray...
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to You, 
my Lord and my God!

Excerpt from my reflections/personal retreat 
8 May 2012, 5:30pm DWS Tagaytay City
His Princess Warrior by Sheri Rose Shepherd