Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Be The Light To The World

Spend more time with Me
and I will make you glow with a godliness that's irresistible.
You are My light to the world!
Let Me light your life today with My love and My power.

If you will let me, I will make you shine in such a way that you will be

My star that points to heaven and gives hope to the hurting.

You are my Light to the World!


I commit to spend more time with You...let your light continue to shine upon me.
That for every person that lights up through me, we may illuminate the world with
Your love and power.

I pray that we continue to grow INFACOM and let the community glow with
godliness that's irresistible...Your star that gives hope to every member and the
people around us.

Let Your light shine to each person in my life.  Allow me to be Your star that can
multiply Your power in this world each and every day.

Excerpt from my reflections/personal retreat 
8 May 2012, 7pm DWS Tagaytay City

His Princess Warrior by Sheri Rose Shepherd

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