Friday, June 27, 2014

Run To Win

You are destined to win.
I know how tired you have often become,
just by trying to do and say all the right things.
Take that pressure away, because I did not put it there.
The world may judge you by what they hear or see, but I look within your heart.
Simplify your life, and let go of your burdens that weigh you down.
You'll find that My grace will lighten your step,
and My favor will draw others to join you.
Make it your daily passion to run with Me,
and I will carry you over the finish line,
together we will win.


I lift my life to you, Lord.  In every race of my life, I know you are with me to see me through to the finish line as you have done so in the past.  Send forth your spirit that it will help me to get back on track.  To run with grace and ease knowing that I have what it takes to win.

As You have said, Life is simple. Give me the wisdom to learn to appreciate the simpleness of every day with your abundant love and grace.  Let me only attract what brings positive spirit.  And allow me to be a good example of how it is to be happy, contented and free.

You have blessed me with a loving and happy family. Let our family be the model that will encourage others to join us and experience your love and power to know we are meant to win in life.  Let me be passionate about running life with confidence, power and love with you as my running mate throughout this wonderful life.

Excerpt from my reflections/personal retreat 
8 May 2012, 8:31pm DWS Tagaytay City
His Princess Warrior by Sheri Rose Shepherd

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